Recording from Dorothy Prophecy Meetings 2012.
Right-click to download: Address by Tim Ruga, Overview of Prophetic Players
Audio PlayerRecording from Dorothy Prophecy Meetings 2012.
Right-click to download: Address by Tim Ruga, Overview of Prophetic Players
Audio PlayerRecording from Dorothy Prophecy Meetings 2012.
Right-click to download: Address by Joe Countouris, Details of Daniel’s Seventieth Week
Recording from Dorothy Prophecy Meetings 2012.
Right-click to download: Address by Joe Countouris, Overview of Daniel’s 70 Weeks
Recording from Dorothy Prophecy Meetings 2012.
Right-click to download: Address by Tim Ruga, Overview of Prophecy
Recording from Mayfield Conference 2007.
Right-click to download: Address by Ron Klassen, Ezekiel
Audio PlayerRecording from Tacoma Prophecy Meetings 2018.
Click here for slides in PDF format.
Right-click to download: Address by Eric James, Daniel’s Seventy Weeks
Audio PlayerRecording from St. Thomas Prophecy Meetings 2019.
Right-click to download: Address by Tim Ruga, Prophecy Part 1: Simple Outline & 69 Weeks
Audio PlayerRecording from St. Thomas Prophecy Meetings 2019.
Right-click to download: Address by Tim Ruga, Prophecy Part 2: The Final 70th Week
Audio PlayerRecording from St. Thomas Prophecy Meetings 2019.
Right-click to download: Address by Tim Ruga, Prophecy Part 3: Outline of Revelation
Audio PlayerRecording from Rideau Ferry 2019.
Right-click to download: Address by Bob Thonney, An Outline of Revelation
Audio Player