The Lord Jesus says in John 2:19 “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up,” Speaking of the temple of His body. Did the Lord Jesus somehow take part with God the Father in raising Himself? How can we understand this alongside the many verses that say that God raised Jesus? 1 Cor. 6:14 says, “and God hath both raised up the Lord …”
Is doctrinal evil worse than moral evil, and if so why don’t more Christians realize the seriousness of doctrinal evil?
If I have been praying for someone for a while now and there is nothing going on, what should I do?
What scriptures give the Christian guidance as to the matter of insurance?
If headcoverings are so important, why are they only addressed in one book, and only in one chapter of that book?
Could you give a general explanation of fasting, and how it should be carried out by Christians? Comment on Isa. 58:1-7. Is fasting only to abstain from food? Or does it include drink, entertainment, pleasure? Is fasting regularly an okay thing to do?
What is the biblical definition of gossip? Is sharing news or information gossip? Is there a scriptural example to help define it? Is it still ok to confirm facts before acting? Can it only be discussed with the subject(s)? Is motive a factor?
Can a Christian make a vow such as the Hippocratic Oath, Iron Ring Vow, or any other promise to man?
Does God predestine everything to happen that happens? Everything from the holocaust to the beetle in the beetle’s hole. Certainly, He knows the end from the beginning, but did he decide all these things?
As a Christian, I desire to have a relationship with the Lord, but I find I consistently keep failing in my spiritual walk with the Lord. Small things in my daily life can make me very discouraged. I know these are things Satan is trying to throw at me to make me fail … but how do I combat these things?
When sickness or tiredness makes it impossible the whole family to make it to night meeting, is it better:
A) To split up the family and one parent to take those who can go, or
B) To stay home together as a family and maybe have a time of reading and prayer together instead?
When the Lord comes to take us home, will the people we know work/work for (who aren’t believers) know that we went to heaven?
I’m into politics. Is that bad? Should I stop?
In the Lord’s supper, should there be only one cup and one plate passed around, on the basis of only one cup being spoken of in the gospels. Also, is the unity of the body seen in the cup and in the broken bread, or is it only seen in the unbroken loaf.
What order to look at scriptures to understand prophecy?
How do we accept that the Biblical canon containing 66 books has the entire revealed Word of God? Is it simply by faith? Or, should I read other Gnostic books or Catholic books that did not make it into our Bible to see for myself if they are consistent with the truth?
If I’m fearful to do something that God has asked me to do, is it selfish or unfaithful to ask for strength from God?
How can we reconcile predestination with free will?
I know it’s always good to give the gospel, but there is this person I’ve given the gospel to and prayed for almost three years, and I’ve heard some brothers say that God has chosen us Christians ahead of time. Does this mean he may never get saved? What’s the point of hurting myself emotionally over and over?
How did God ‘speak’ to people in the Old Testament, and how does He speak to us today?
Why did Jesus need to pray to God when He was in constant fellowship with Him?
Why does the person praying say amen if it is meant for agreement?