When we pray should we address God the Father or God the Son. Are there different circumstances where you would address one over the other?
What does it mean to “take offense”? If someone in the assembly “takes offense” with my personal exercise, opinion, or reading of scripture, does that make what I believe wrong?
What is submission?
How do I know what to pray for? How can I tell what’s on my heart? Oftentimes I feel like when I’m praying, I don’t get to the root of the problem. Is there any biblical advice on this?
How do we respond to pride LGBTQ+ activities, and requested support of accepting everyone?
Why is it important to come with a clear conscience to the Breaking of Bread, and to all the assembly meetings? Why is it important to come prepared with something that you have meditated on during the week? Does this involve consecration, having your hands full for the Lord?
I believe that women should have their heads covered during meetings as said in 1 Corinthians 11 but in verse 15 it says “for her hair is given to her for a covering”. How would you explain this verse to someone and what is the difference between the covering at the beginning of the chapter and verse 15?
How can we be confident in the doctrine that we believe? Other Christians interpret passages about things like head coverings differently than we in the meeting do, and they are able to have peace before the Lord about that. What gives us authority to say we are right and others are not?
I go to a public high school, so 95% of the people there are not believers. I have made friends, even close friendships, with some of them (as well as at work). Is it a sin to be friends with unbelievers? What does it mean to not be unequally yoked? If it is sin, should I stop being friends with all of them?
What is mindfulness and what is it connected with? Is it wrong for a Christian to practice mindfulness? if it is wrong what can we do to protect our kids in public school, where it is becoming increasingly more prevalent, from it?
More of a request but can we talk about roles in the church and how to fulfill those?
1 Corinthians 14:26-37 speaks of letting men speak by 2 or 3, which I recently heard is why only 2 or 3 get up in the open meeting. Why does this not apply in a Breaking of Bread, or perhaps a reading meeting? Verse 27 refers just to speaking in an unknown tongue, verse 29 to prophets, but verse 26 leads off with a list of things brethren might have in a variety of meetings.
How to go back to God after drifting apart? Sometimes it feels so hard to follow Him after we mess up.