Category Archives: Conferences
Dorothy Conference 1998
Friday, November 27th, 1998
- 1st Reading, Romans 1
- Ministry by Dick Gorgas, Learn, Do, Teach
- Ministry by Charles Little, Hold Fast Sound Words
- Ministry by Chuck Hendricks, Value the Word of God
- 2nd Reading, Romans 2
- Gospel by Ed Wilson, God is Light and God is Love
Saturday, November 28th, 1998
- 3rd Reading, Romans 3:1-20
- Address by Heinz Brinkman, Romans 7
- 4th Reading, Romans 3:21-31
- Gospel by Al Coleman, The Long Suffering Mercy of God
Lord’s Day, November 29th, 1998
Dorothy Conference 1997
Friday, November 28th, 1997
- 1st Reading, Psalm 40:1-3
- Address by Chuck Hendricks, The Apostle Paul
- 2nd Reading, Philippians 1:1-2
- Gospel by Don Bilisoly
Saturday, November 29th, 1997
- 3rd Reading, Philippians 1:2-12
- Ministry by Tom Roach, Psalm 8 – The Excellent Name of the Lord
- Ministry by Charles Little, The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength
- Ministry by Euell Tonn, Christ as a Man
- 4th Reading, Philippians 1:12-23
- Gospel by Euell Tonn
Lord’s Day, November 30th, 1997
Dorothy Conference 1996
Friday, November 29th, 1996
- 1st Reading, Colossians 3:1-5
- Ministry by Bill Warr, Earthly Things and Heavenly Things
- Ministry by Bob Bauman, Upper Room Ministry, Hill Country Thoughts, Hidden Manna of the Heart
- Ministry by Ed Wilson, Comfortable in Heaven
- 2nd Reading, Colossians 3:5-7
- Gospel by Bob Bauman, Gospel
Saturday, November 25th, 1996
- 3rd Reading, Colossians 3:7-13
- Ministry by Tom Roach, God Was Manifest in the Flesh
- Ministry by Bill Smeall, Go Back a Different Way
- Ministry by Michel Payette, The Form of Godliness without Power
- 4th Reading, Colossians 3:13-15
- Gospel by Michel Payette, Gospel
Lord’s Day, November 26th, 1996
Dorothy Conference 1995
Friday, November 24th, 1995
- 1st Reading, Ephesians 2:1-6
- Ministry by Bill Warr, Thus Minded, Philippians 3
- Ministry by John Currie, Keep Christ Before You
- Ministry by Wally Dear, Psalm 139
- 2nd Reading, Ephesians 2:7-10
- Gospel by Bob Bauman
Saturday, November 25th, 1995
- Address by Gordon Hayhoe, Lessons from the Life of Joshua
- 3rd Reading, Ephesians 2:11-13
- Gospel by Bill Brockmeier, The Love of God
Lord’s Day, November 26th, 1995
Dorothy Conference 1994
Friday, November 25th
- 1st Reading, 2 Corinthians 12:1-6
- Ministry by Dick Gorgas, Romans: The Gospel of God
- Ministry by Gordon Hayhoe, Psalm 16, The Perfect Dependant Man
- 2nd Reading, 2 Corinthians 12:7-end
Saturday, November 26th
- 3rd Reading, Philippians 3:1-7
- Address by Heinz Brinkman, 2 Timothy – Understanding of the Times
- 4th Reading, Philippians 3:8-14
Lord’s Day, November 27th
Dorothy Conference 1993
Corner Brook Conference 1993
- 1st Reading, Malachi 1:1-5
- Ministry by Tom Roach, Our Inheritance
- Ministry by John Currie, Faith, Hope, Love
- 2nd Reading, Malachi 1:6-end
- Ministry by Heinz Brinkman, People in the Life of David
- Ministry by Jim Hyland, Jesus in Bethany
- Gospel by Heinz Brinkman
- Children’s Meeting by Harris Gibson
- Ministry by Norman Berry, The Joy of Obedience
- Ministry by Scott Brinkmeyer, The Purchase of the Threshingfloor
- 3rd Reading, Mark 2
- Gospel by Jim Hyland
Walla Walla, WA
Vestal, NY
Conference Years
- Vestal All-day Meetings 1987
- Vestal Conference 1987
- Vestal Conference 1988
- Vestal Conference 1991
- Vestal Conference 1992
- Vestal Conference 1993
- Vestal Conference 1994
- Vestal Conference 1995
- Vestal Conference 1996
- Vestal Conference 1997
- Vestal Conference 1998
- Vestal Conference 1999
- Vestal Conference 2000
- Vestal Conference 2001
- Vestal Conference 2002
- Vestal Conference 2003
- Vestal Conference 2004
- Vestal Conference 2005
- Vestal Conference 2007
- Vestal Conference 2008
- Vestal Conference 2009
- Vestal Conference 2010
- Vestal Conference 2011
- Vestal Conference 2012
- Vestal Conference 2013
- Vestal YP 2014
- Vestal Conference 2014
- Vestal Conference 2015
- Vestal Conference 2016
- Vestal YP 2017
- Vestal Conference 2017
- Vestal Conference 2018
- Vestal Conference 2019
Series: Three Aspects of Christian Activity, Spring 1986
“Warriors” Address by Bruce Conrad, Christian Warfare
February 9th, 1986
March 16th, 1986
“Worshipers” Address by Bruce Conrad, Christian Priesthood
April 13th, 1986
Other Meetings
October 1977
Unknown Date
Unknown Date
April 30th, 1990
September 6th, 1987
March 1990
March 1990
August 12th, 1990
June 1992
November 2001
November 2001
July 2002
November 2002
February 2020